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Embrace simple. Escape the noise in favour of tranquility & inner peace.

Unspoilt and deserted bay of Pagapud Beach, Luzon, Philippines
Saud Beach, Philippines
– Welcome to our island –

In a world full of sizzle, focus on the sausage.

Welcome to Minimal Sizzle, a website that celebrates the beauty of simplicity. Here, you will find tips, inspiration, and resources to help you live a more fulfilling and joyful life by embracing a simple, straightforward lifestyle.

Our mission

Find yourself

Whether you want to declutter your home, enjoy the outdoors, or find inner peace, Minimal Sizzle has something for you.


We believe that less is more, and that by letting go of the unnecessary, we can make room for the essential.

Embrace change

Join us on this journey of discovering the power of minimalism and how it can transform your life for the better.

Stereotypes are boring

Stereotypes are predictable, inaccurate and limiting. They prevent us from seeing the diversity and uniqueness of people and cultures. We should challenge stereotypes and embrace diversity, because that makes life more interesting and enriching.

Be a voice not an echo

Express your own ideas and opinions, not just repeat what others say. Be original, creative and do not just follow the crowd.
We all have something valuable to share with the world, so don’t be an echo and reflect what others have already said.

Function over Form

The “sizzle” might tickle your senses, but the “sausage” is what really matters. Consumerism is fuelled by marketeers pushing the right emotional buttons. That’s their job. Focus on function, practicality and necessity – the sausage, not the the sizzle!

Andrew BC


Since college has worked in hotels, retail and financial services. Surrounded by toxic and narcissistic individuals decided to exit the rat race in favour of a more honest, straightforward and holistic lifestyle in Asia.
Currently living in the Philippines and kept busy with this website and the joys of being a solo parent.

Harvey BC

Alarm Clock

More energy than your local power station and a cheeky smile that gets him away with murder! Loves the outdoors, despises homework and if left unattended is highly likely to break something!

We always look forward to making new friends